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Top 10 Bloggers In World 2021

 Top 10 Bloggers Of The World In 2021

Here is a list of the top 10 bloggers of the world who earn much more than we expect. Here Balharapost is providing you a list of the world's top 10 bloggers in 2021.

Blogging is a hobby which may help you to become a millionaire and you can also complete your dreams. Bloggers use to share their thoughts and help people with their ideas, blogging can be done on any topic which you like and the reader also likes to read. This is the best online business in the world if you are even a good or simple writer.

Blogging didn't require any type of investment, this business is free of cost. It just requires a system like a laptop and a simple working computer which can handle your fast typing speed and can help you to write the best blog. When you finally get Ads by Google then you have to just buy a hosting and domain for your website.

This was just knowledge for you if you like to start blogging and now let me gave you a list of the top 10 bloggers of 2021.

1. Arriana Huffington

She started blogging in 2005 with his blog name as Huffington Post, her blog contains news about politics, what to do in life, world news, crimes, and many more topics which she likes to blog and readers like to read all these. She is the world's richest blogger at present time. Her blogging hobby helps her in earning her over a billion and now her main source of income is sponsoring (Sponsor Advertising).

  • Started blogging: 2005
  • Earning: ~$260M per year
  • Visiters: ~97M per month
  • Global Ranking: 730

2. Peter Rojas

He started blogging in 2004 with his blog name as Engadget, his blog contains all the information about events, new gadgets, games, entertainment, unboxing, and reviews. His blogs are popular for reviews and gaming information. He also does sponsor advertisements.

  • Started blogging: 2004
  • Earning: ~$60M per year
  • Visiters: ~30M per month
  • Global Ranking: 1094

3. Mario Armando Lavanderia Jr

He started blogging in 2005 with his blog name Perez Hilton, his blog contains information on movies, celebrities, and gossip in Hollywood. His main source of income is just advertising.

  • Started blogging: 2005
  • Earning: ~$46M per year
  • Visiters: ~562K per month
  • Global Ranking: 12,234

4. Brain Clark

He started blogging in 2006 with his blog name as Copyblogger, his blog contains information about marketing advice and also tells how to invest your money and also how to run your business(startup). He started blogging with just $2000 to launch his blog and now he is currently earning about ~$1,004,816. His blog didn't contain paid or sponsored advertisements.

  • Started blogging: 2006
  • Earning: ~$35M per year
  • Visiters: ~575K per month
  • Global Ranking: 11,321

5. Rand Fishkin

He started blogging in 1998with his blog name as Moz, his blog contains information about marketing and also how to increase your blog visibility and help you to get more audience or visitors. His main motto is to help people to know about SEO(Search Engine Optimization). His blogs contain all education options for users, they provide online classes and if you like to learn you can get a free triel.

  • Started blogging: 1998
  • Earning: ~$34M per year
  • Visiters: ~3.7M per month
  • Global Ranking: 3059

6. Pete Cashmore

He started blogging in 2005, with his blog name Mashable, his blogs contain informative articles about science, technology, culture, entertainment, news. He also sponsored advertisements. 

  • Started blogging: 2005
  • Earning: ~$32M per year
  • Visiters: ~16M per month
  • Global Ranking: 1284

7. Michael Arrington

He started blogging in 2005, with his log name TechCrunch, his blog contains information about mobiles, apps, new gadgets, national news, and many more things. Later in 2010, it was overtaken by AOL.

  • Started blogging: 2005
  • Earning: ~$24M per year
  • Visiters: ~20M per month
  • Global Ranking: 1440

8. Cyan Claire 

She started blogging in 2006, with her blog name Tuts Plus, her blog contains all information about designing for your website and development classes online. Her blog is use full to people how to like to learn about website designing and how to maintain it on your own.

  • Started blogging: 2006
  • Earning: ~$12M per year
  • Visiters: ~10M per month
  • Global Ranking: 1,377

9. Vitaly Friedman

He started blogging in 2006, with his blog name Smashing Magazine, his blog contains articles about website development and how to maintain it, designing, and much more stuff. His blog helps him to earn about 229,340 per month and more. He did do any sponsored advertisements.

  • Started blogging: 2006
  • Earning: ~$5.8M per year
  • Visiters: ~2.6M per month
  • Global Ranking; 13,100

10. Peter Rojas

This blog is also running by Peter Rojas, he started this blog in 2002, this blog contains all the information about technology and designs. He does sponsor advertisements.

  • Started blogging: 2002
  • Earning: ~$5.2M per year
  • Visiters: ~20M per month
  • Global Ranking: 1,659

This was the information of all the top 10 bloggers of the world in 2021, if you like the information, help us in the comment section more about which topic we should upload a list.  

Hey! I am the founder of and a Gamer, Blogger, Content Writer. This is my second blogging site.
