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COVID-19 Updates, Crisis & Protect Yourself

 COVID-19 Biggest Disasters/ Protect Yourself

As we all know from 14 March 2020 when few cases were reported and that was the first stage of COVID-19. Time passed the rate of cases increases and they were not having any stoppage. We have completed one year with this virus and we are still not able to stop this. 

People think that this virus is like a family part, I think so!

We should have to stay away from every person who is even fine or not, this virus is so strong to catch a healthy person but still many people are thinking that they are strong to not get affected by this virus. The government of each and every country is trying to tell their people to maintain a gap and help to finfish this virus. 

This virus took over our happy and joyful life. Even in our homes, we are not secure there is also a fear of this virus. We all know the rules and conditions of this virus that how to stop it and how to protect ourselves from the virus. 

Let's recall those conditions and rules again and stop the virus spread:

Wear a mask

  • Mask helps us a lot everyone who is older than 2 years should wear a mask.       

  • When someone wears a mask his/her hands should be clean with hand sanitizer.       

  • Mask should be fit to our nose and mouth and fully cover under our chin.

  • Be aware of breathing, do not use a tight mask this will also affect you.         

Stay away (6 feet) from each other 

  • Avoid contact with people who are suffering from any type of disease.
  • Inside your home also maintain 6 feet gap with your family/household members even they are healthy.

Avoid Crowd and Poorly Ventilated Places

  • The Indoor is almost safe but we need fresh air inside, so the transfer of fresh air by the opening window is needed.
  • Avoid outdoor as much as you can and also avoid indoor where fresh air is not available.
  • Crowded places like bars, restaurants, movie theaters & many more places should be avoided by us.

Get Vaccine/Vaccinated

  • India was able to make a vaccine for the corona virus, we should get a vaccine for this when it is available in our country.

  • Once we get vaccinated, we are able to do work that we stopped doing due to this pandemic.

  • The vaccine really help us to fight again COVID-19

Wash your hands 

  • Hand wash is especially needed

  1. Before eating food
  2. Touching your face
  3. When you leave any public place
  4. Putting your mask
  5. Touching pets/animals
  6. Touching your nose, sneezing

  • Wash your hand for 20 seconds with a good soap like Dettol, after coughing, blowing your nose, and sneezing.
  • Soap is not available use your hand sanitizer to clean your hands.

Have a Checkup

  • Always be alert, watch your daily health and be aware of fever, shortness of breath, cough, or any other symptoms which indicate COVID-19.
  • CDC Guidance should be followed.

This is all from our side and you all are smarter about your health and you also know many things but still, this is a small message which I like to share with you all.

                                                                       Stay safe!

Hey! I am the founder of and a Gamer, Blogger, Content Writer. This is my second blogging site.
